Synd myofascial QS Kinésithérapeute DPC FIFPL
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Treatment of upper quadrant myofascial syndromes (trigger points, dry needling and self-treatment)

Training for physiotherapists DE

Image representing a treatment session for myofascial syndromes

On June 14, 2017, an opinion from the National Council of the Order opened the practice of dry needle puncture to French masseurs-physiotherapists.

This constitutes a real step forward for our profession and opens up new perspectives for treating trigger points. The program developed in our training scrupulously follows the recommendations of the Order and a prerequisite is essential to access it: having already followed training in the manual management of trigger points.

We will take particular care to educate everyone about the notions of hygiene, safety and the legal framework before giving way to practice.

Training cycle consists of 3 modules and the training cycle program is in accordance with the recommendations of the CNOMK.

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Price: €


Learning objectives module 1 and 2


  1. Define the legal framework for applying the DN

  2. Master the basic rules of hygiene and safety to practice DN

  3. Define the indications and contraindications of the DN

  4. Know the effects of DN

  5. Practice the different types of DN: superficial, deep and electrical stimulation

Learning objectives module 3

  1. Review the participants' experience from module 2 and answer their questions

  2. Address and comment on the clinical cases of participants

  3. Recall the basic hygiene and safety rules for practicing DN in complete safety

  4. Recall the mechanisms of SEIM

  5. Recall the anatomy of the regions approached for safe treatment by DN

  6. Know how to identify the PTs of the muscles of the upper quadrant

  7. Practice DN techniques on PTs of upper quadrant muscles

  8. Know how to identify the PTs of the muscles of the upper quadrant and treat them by DN while respecting the rules of safety and hygiene


List of target audiences


Masseur-physiotherapist DE




MKDE diploma and basic training on trigger points (minimum 14 hours)


Duration of training and organizational arrangements


The duration of the training: 69 hours spread over 3 sessions,

Over 3 days

Max workforce: 20 people

Accessibility: disabled

Training content

Module 1:

Module 2:

Module 3:








Dry Needling
Rapport qualité de la dernière session

The training will take place at the Holiday Inn de Mérignac, 5 impasse Amélia Earhart, 33700 Mérignac


DPC: DPC action number: 99MJ2325011

FIFPL:Validated (Training likely to be covered, subject to annual budgets, for physiotherapists)

To find out the annual amounts of FIFPL support: for your profession, click here:   FIFPL
To find out the annual amounts of CPD support for your profession, click here:     CPD

General informations
Training location, timetables, access conditions, accommodation, catering; : consult the Trainee welcome booklet


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