The FIF PL is a training insurance fund approved by Ministerial Decree of March 17, 1993, published in the Official Journal on March 25, 1993.
It was created at the initiative of the UNAPL (National Union of Liberal Professions) and member professional organizations, in accordance with the provisions of the law of December 31, 1991, relating to the continuing training of Independent Workers and Liberal Professionals, making obligation for everyone to pay the Contribution to Professional Training (CFP).
This contribution increased, as part of the amending finance law for 2012, from 0.15% to 0.25% of the annual Social Security ceiling (€99 in 2019).
How the FIF PL works
FIF PL nationals are self-employed workers, members of the liberal professions (with the exception of doctors), who operate in an individual business or as majority manager (TNS).
They must be registered with the URSSAF as an independent worker, not be registered in the Trades Directory, and be registered under an NAF code dependent on the FIF PL.
Every year, trade union organizations study and adoptsupport criteria specific to their profession.
Any liberal professional who wishes to benefit from support must first complete their online support request.
FIFPL support procedure
FIFPL 2024 support packages