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Sheathing & foot strengthening

Training for physiotherapists and podiatrists

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Rapport qualité de la dernière session
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Price: 546 €

Headache is a clinical symptom and is one of the most common nervous system conditions in the population. It is a painful and disabling manifestation that can be triggered by a primary cause (migraine, tension headache, cluster headache, etc.) or secondary (vascular, infectious, traumatic, medicated, etc.). This symptom is a frequent reason for consultation in general medicine and is also a frequent reason for going to the emergency room. Globally, the estimated prevalence of headache in adults is around 70% (painful episode experienced at least once a year). Varying considerably from one region of the world to another, headaches are however considered a public health issue in terms of disability and financial cost to society. The main financial impact is the loss of working hours and the drop in productivity. The global study of the burden of disease, in 2016 classified headaches as a whole as the 2nd cause responsible for years living with the symptom. Headaches impact all aspects of the patient's life (personal and professional) and contribute to strongly modifying behaviors such as the constant apprehension of the next painful episode.

Primary headaches (migraine and tension headache among others) are the most prevalent in the population and their diagnoses are based on precise interrogation criteria of the International Classification of Headaches with a normal clinical examination not justifying additional examinations.

Secondary headaches have multiple etiologies and require diagnostic confirmation based on a clinical examination and depending on the case of additional investigations (such as cerebral and cervical CT scan, cerebral magnetic resonance imaging, etc.). The so-called cervicogenic secondary headaches, according to international criteria, are to be related to a cervical musculoskeletal disorder whose identification by a neurologist may be difficult. Indeed, this type of headache is presented by a hemicrânia +/- associated with neck pain and sometimes dizziness.

The understanding of headaches and the pathophysiology of the chronicization of its symptoms has evolved in the light of the literature and therefore conditions the use of valid and reliable evaluation to guide the patient towards the most suitable treatment. Knowledge of pain modulation, the evaluation of headache chronicization factors and the triage of patients using a multidisciplinary approach (physiotherapy and drug treatment) must be mastered to enable patients with headaches to receive treatment. the most suitable for improving their symptoms, function and quality of life.


educational goals


  1. To be able to carry out an in-depth examination of the patient presenting a headache and / or facial pain with regard to the criteria of the International Classification of Headaches

  2. Be able to sort patients based on the differential diagnosis and their clinical picture and recognize situations when specialist advice is needed

  3. Define the mechanisms of action and the interest of pharmacological treatment according to the clinical picture of the patient treated in physiotherapy

  4. Knowing how to recognize clinical situations involving the use of a doctor to request a complementary examination (imaging, lumbar puncture, etc.)

  5. To know how to carry out a clinical examination adapted to formulate clinical hypotheses with a view to planning treatment

  6. Apply the therapeutic strategies most suited to the patient according to the type of headache and facial pain he presents

  7. Be able to reassess patients to define the appropriateness of the proposed treatment


List of target audiences


Training aimed at liberal and salaried physiotherapists.




There is no other prerequisite to register for this training than to be a professional in one of the targeted professions.


Duration of training and organizational arrangements


Duration of training: 14 hours

Over 2 days

Max workforce: 20 people

Accessibility: disabled

Training content


Day 1 :

9:00-9:15: Welcome and pre-training questionnaire

9:15-10:45: Introduction and pathophysiology of headache and facial pain

15 minutes break

11am-12pm : Pharmacology applied to physical therapy

12h-12h30 : Organization and care pathway for headache management

12h30-14h : Lunch break

14h-15h45 : Interrogatory and differential diagnosis of headache and facial pain - 1st part

15 minutes break

16h-17h15 : Interrogatory and differential diagnosis of headache and facial pain - 2nd part

17h15-18h : Clinical examination and physiotherapy diagnosis - 1st part

End of the first day 18h

Day 2 :

8:30-11:15am: Clinical examination and kinesitherapy diagnosis - Part 2

15 minutes break

11h30-12h30 : Case resolution workshop based on pathological patient files

12h30-14h : Lunch break

2-4:30 pm : Treatment planning and therapeutic strategies

15 minute break

16h45-17h45 : Physiotherapy treatment

17h45-18h : End of course Q&A and post-training questionnaire

End of the second day 18h


The training will take place at Active Square, 35 Av. de Canteranne, 33600 Pessac

Tarif si prise en charge FIFPL : 280 €

Tarif si financement personnel : 280 €

Tarif si financement entreprise : 350 €


CPD :The support fileit will be  filed with ANDPC for 2024
(We will update the information as soon as the ANDPC has studied the file).

FIFPL: The support file will be submitted to the FIFPL for 2024
(We will update the information as soon as the FIFPLwill have studied the file).

To find out the annual FIFPL support amounts for your profession, click here:   FIFPL
To find out the annual amounts of CPD support for your profession, click here:     CPD

General informations
Training location, timetables, access conditions, accommodation, catering; : consult the Trainee welcome booklet

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