Le crâne autrement - Gabutti Kiné Ostéo FIFPL
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The skull differently

Training for osteopaths, physiotherapists, chiropractors, doctors

Image representing an osteopathy session with manipulation on the skull

Price: €


Learning objectives module 1 and 2


  1. Define the legal framework for applying the DN

  2. Master the basic rules of hygiene and safety to practice DN

  3. Define the indications and contraindications of the DN

  4. Know the effects of DN

  5. Practice the different types of DN: superficial, deep and electrical stimulation

Learning objectives module 3

  1. Review the participants' experience from module 2 and answer their questions

  2. Address and comment on the clinical cases of participants

  3. Recall the basic hygiene and safety rules for practicing DN in complete safety

  4. Recall the mechanisms of SEIM

  5. Recall the anatomy of the regions approached for safe treatment by DN

  6. Know how to identify the PTs of the muscles of the upper quadrant

  7. Practice DN techniques on PTs of upper quadrant muscles

  8. Know how to identify the PTs of the muscles of the upper quadrant and treat them by DN while respecting the rules of safety and hygiene


List of target audiences


Masseur-physiotherapist DE




MKDE diploma and basic training on trigger points (minimum 14 hours)


Duration of training and organizational arrangements


The duration of the training: 69 hours spread over 3 sessions,

Over 3 days

Max workforce: 20 people

Accessibility: disabled

Training content

Module 1:

Module 2:

Module 3:








Skull 0623.png
Rapport qualité de la dernière session

Engineer by training,Marco Gabutti retrained by following full-time studies in osteopathy. Graduating in 2002, he moved to Granville alongside Pierre Tricot, whom he assisted in his training on the tissue approach. He taught in several osteopathy schools, first physics, then tissue techniques, and finally the cranial approach.

For more than 10 years, he has been involved in a collective effort to update the models used in cranial osteopathy. In April 2020, he and his wife started the Kookie Learning project (www.kookielearning.com) intended to promote informed practice.
Since 2021, he has resumed teaching the cranial approach at the request of the Haute Ecole de Santé in Friborg (Switzerland) which wishes to modernize the teaching of this subject in their Bachelor and Master courses in osteopathy.


The training will take place at the Holiday Inn de Mérignac, 5 impasse Amélia Earhart, 33700 Mérignac

Price if FIFPL support: €560
Price if personal financing: €560
Price for business financing: €756


FIFPL: Validated (Training likely to be covered, subject to annual budgets, for osteopaths)

To find out the annual FIFPL support amounts for your profession, click here:   FIFPL

General informations
Training location, timetables, access conditions, accommodation, catering; : consult the Trainee welcome booklet

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