Toutes nos vidéos pour kiné ostéo podo
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Toutes nos vidéos !

Bienvenue sur notre page dédiée à toutes nos vidéos, votre ressource incontournable pour une immersion profonde dans le monde de la formation continue pour professionnels de santé. Chez Acces Formation, nous comprenons l'importance de fournir des contenus dynamiques et interactifs pour enrichir votre expérience d'apprentissage. C'est pourquoi nous avons compilé une vaste collection de vidéos, allant des résumés de nos formations aux interviews d'experts en passant par des témoignages inspirants de professionnels comme vous.


Nos Vidéos Comprennent :

  • Résumés de Formation : Obtenez un aperçu rapide des points clés et des apprentissages essentiels de nos formations.

  • Présentations de Formation : Découvrez en détail le contenu de nos formations, les objectifs d'apprentissage et ce que vous pouvez attendre en vous inscrivant.

  • Interviews d'Experts : Écoutez ce que les leaders d'opinion et les spécialistes du domaine de la santé ont à partager sur les dernières avancées et techniques.

  • Témoignages : Laissez-vous inspirer par les histoires de professionnels de santé qui ont bénéficié de nos formations et ont vu un impact positif dans leur pratique.

Chaque vidéo est conçue avec soin pour vous fournir des informations précieuses, des insights pratiques et une inspiration continue, que vous soyez en quête de développement professionnel ou à la recherche de nouvelles méthodes pour améliorer la prise en charge de vos patients.

Explorez notre collection dès maintenant pour découvrir des contenus riches et variés, pensés spécialement pour les kinésithérapeutes, ostéopathes et podologues désireux de rester à la pointe de leur profession. Avec Acces Formation, avancez confiant dans votre parcours professionnel, armé des connaissances et compétences nécessaires pour exceller.

Ancre 1

General presentation video -Training Access

Video summary of Théo Chaumeil's training: Integration of hypnosis in physiotherapy which took place in October 2021 on the premises of the Ostéopathic College of Bordeaux.

Résumé de formation hypnose
Résumé dermo neuro modulation

Video review of Yannick Wenger's training: Dermo Neuro Modulation which took place in September and October 2021 on the premises of the Ostéopathic College of Bordeaux.

Neurodynamique des membres inférieurs et supérieurs

Video review of the 2 training coursesLaurent Fabre :Lower limb neurodynamicsAndsuperiors" which took place in Bordeaux.


Video look back at the 2 days of training for “ Clinical assessment and management of the athlete's knee " which took place within the premises of the Ostéopathic College of Bordeaux on June 11 and 12.

Résumé gérer la douleur 2021

Video review of the 2 days of " Managing Pain " training , which took place in the premises of the Osteopathic College of Bordeaux on April 30 and May 1.

Another huge thank you to all our participants, to Anthony Halimi for this training as well as to Lisa Parret & Tessadit Assaoui for their feedback.


Video review of the 2 days of " Taping Dermo Neuro Muscle " training which took place in the premises of the Osteopathic College of Bordeaux on March 12th and 13th.

These 2 days of multi-professional training are summarized by its trainer, Geoffrey Delas, using 3 words: 🔄 Interprofessional 😀 Sympathetic 🧠 Reflexive.

Reasoning to treat better: clinical applications

We have all been faced with difficulties in applying our knowledge in real practice with our patients.

What are we missing to achieve this?

Probably a methodology allowing us to organize, to pose hypotheses, to adapt our treatment to the singularities of our patients.

Webinar - Contribution of taping in the pre/post surgical osteopathic approach-

Geoffrey Delas considers the tape as a “lure”, that is to say it uses the tape to give “reassuring” sensory information to the nervous system in order to allow it to modify the protective reactions that it can produce, such as pain, muscular reactions, inflammatory reactions…

L'épaule douloureuse interview

Painful shoulder: What do the pros think?

Video review of Matthieu Loubière's training: "The painful shoulder: from manual therapy to exercise" which took place in Bordeaux.

Résumé épaule douloureuse

Summary of the training: "The painful shoulder from manual exercise therapy"

Video review of Matthieu Loubière's training: "The painful shoulder: from manual therapy to exercise" which took place in Bordeaux.

interview rachis

Clinical reasoning and treatment of spinal pathologies: What do the pros think?

Video review of François Angelliaume's training: clinical reasoning and treatment of spinal pathologies, which took place in Bordeaux.

résumé rachis

Summary of the training: "Clinical reasoning and treatment of spinal pathologies"

Video review of François Angelliaume's training: Clinical reasoning and treatment of spinal pathologies which took place in Bordeaux.

interview taping

Neuromuscular dermo taping: What do the pros think?

Video review of Geoffrey Delas's training: Dermo-neuro-muscular taping which took place in Bordeaux.

Interview raisonner pour mieux traiter

Reasoning to treat better: What do the pros think?

Video review of the training of Romain Artico & François Angelliaume: “Reasoning to treat better,” which took place in Bordeaux.

interview main

Improve your skills in hand rehabilitation: What do the pros think?

Video review of Tessadit Aissaoui's training: "Improve yourself in hand rehabilitation", which took place in Bordeaux.


An interview like no other: Is the child a patient like any other?

This training by Tiphaine Jeanne and Guillaume Molinier is aimed at all those who love 𝘀 𝗲𝗻𝗳𝗮𝗻𝘁𝘀 (from birth) in consultation. The objective is to succeed in the 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗲 𝗲𝗻 𝘀𝗼𝗶𝗻 𝗱𝗲 𝗹’𝗲𝗻𝗳𝗮𝗻𝘁 in a 𝗯𝗶𝗼-𝗽𝘀𝘆 approach 𝗰𝗵𝗼-𝘀𝗼𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹𝗲 informed by current evidence, while including the parent(s) and knowing 𝘀𝗼𝗶𝗻𝘀 of each of them.

l'hypnose interview

Hypnosis in manual therapy: What do the pros think?

Video review of Théo Chaumeil's training: "Hypnosis in manual therapy" which took place in Bordeaux.


Episode 2: The use of Taping has a major benefit in bio-psycho-social care!

Do you want to know more about biopsychosocial care? 👉 don’t hesitate to read the excellent article by Jehan de Chaillé here:

Interview enfant

The child: a patient like the others?

 What do the pros think?

A look back at the training of Tiphaine Jeanne and Guillaume Molinier which took place in Bordeaux.

Résumé gérer la douleur

Training summary: “Managing pain”

Video review of Anthony Halimi's training: 

Managing pain

Interview gérer la douleur

Managing pain: What do the pros think?

Video review of Anthony Halimi's training: 

Managing pain

Résumé vidéo pilates

Summary of the training: "Pilates prevention & rehabilitation"

Video review of Karine Weyland's training: Pilates prevention & rehabilitation

Le coude douloureux test épicondylalgi

Grip Test and epicondylalgia by Alexandre Guedj

Résumé le crâne autrement

Summary of the training “The skull differently”

Interview céphalées

Headache management: What do the pros think?

Return to video on the training of Anthony Demont

“Headache management”

Test coude santé générale

Grip Test and general health by Alexandre Guedj

Résumé BloodFlow restriction

Summary of the “Blood flow restriction” training with Clémence Bienaimer

Test de Noble

The Noble Test by Philippe Averous

Test de Thessaly

The Thessaly Test by Philippe Averous

Interview pilates

Pilates: prevention & rehabilitation

What do the pros think?

Review of the “Pilates: prevention & rehabilitation” training with Karine Weyland

Résumé Raisonner pour mieux traiter

Summary of the training: “Reasoning to treat better”

Video review of the training of Romain Artico & François Angelliaume

Reason to treat better

Introductory video to e-learningLaurent Fabre, on the neuroscience of pain.

The full version of the e-learning (value: €147) is included in any registration for the training

“Biopsychosocial management of neuropathic pain and neuropathies”

Summary of the neurological examination with review of the tests and tools (hammer, reflexes, roulette, filaments, etc.) to be used depending on the fibers tested.

Video byLaurent Fabre AndMathieu Schlachet, director of the CFPCO

The physiotherapistDiane Jacobs explains how the nervous system works, and why we need to understand it to help our patients recover from chronic or persistent pain.

The method she implemented is calleddermo neuro modulation.

If you want to know more, here is acritical article by Laurent Fabre on this method

E-Conference #1 CIFEPK - Factors of persistent pain, byAnthony Halimi.

Here he presents the basics of understanding pain and the factors involved in persistent pain.

“Manage pain”

How to integrate hypnosis into physiotherapy? What are the interests? Limits ?

ByTheo Chaumeil

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