Manual shoulder therapy - LOUBIÈRE | Acces Formation
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Manual shoulder therapy

Focus on tendon shoulder / frozen shoulder

 Training for physiotherapists 

Image representing a muscle strengthening session
Rapport qualité de la dernière session
Muscle strengthening 0623.png

Price: 550 €

The objective of this training is to offer therapists, from an essentially practical internship, an overview of the pathologies of the cuff as well as the frozen shoulder. From diagnosis to treatment.

The first part of the course will be devoted to anatomical and biomechanical reminders necessary for understanding movement. The pathophysiology of the rotator cuff and frozen shoulder will then be discussed. Clinical scenarios will be used to illustrate the explanations. A precise and systematic clinical examination based on the concept of triage (differential diagnosis and exclusion) and based on the tests presenting the most validity and reliability possible will be presented. The resulting treatment will thus be specific to each patient without applying any “recect” or “predefined protocols”. The different management strategies presented on the basis of the literature provided will then be discussed.

A few selected tools will fill the practical sequences (passive techniques, active techniques, education and communication). In conclusion, a synthesis built with the participants will close the training. The educational approach aims to ensure that at the end of each seminar, the participant can directly apply the techniques learned and transpose them into the treatment of his patients.


educational goals


  1. Describe the different pathophysiological states and the aetiology of tendon shoulder and frozen shoulder

  2. Perform a clinical examination using hypothetico-deductive reasoning

  3. Build a treatment plan, know the monitoring indicators and the modalities of load modifications

  4. Define the place of the passive and the active in the management of shoulder pain

  5. Understand the impact of communication and therapeutic education on adherence and outcomes


List of target audiences

Multi-professional action for DE chiropodists, DE physiotherapists, DO osteopaths, doctors




There is no other prerequisite to register for this training than to be a professional in one of the targeted professions.



Duration of training and organizational arrangements


The duration of the training: 14 hours,

Over 2 days

Max workforce: 20 people

Accessibility: disabled

Training content


Day 1 : Introduction, Theoretical Basis, Clinical Examination

9 am-9.30am: Welcome of participants. MCQ to assess participants' knowledge

9:30 am-10:30am: State of the literature, Anatomical and biomechanical reminders

10.45 a.m.-12.30 p.m .: Clinical scenario and pathophysiology

13h30-14h30: Clinical examination Awareness of triage (differential diagnosis and exclusion) theory

2.30 p.m.-6 p.m .: Practical clinical examination




Active review of mobility

Passive Mobility Exam

Functional examinations

Specific tests (conflicting and frozen shoulders)

Day 2 : Treatment

8h30-9h00: Review of the elements of the day before

9: 00-10: 00: Presentation of the management plan,: Literature review (recommendations and guidelines)

10.15 a.m.-12.30 p.m .: Passive Approach (Muscular, connective, articular)

1.30pm-4.15pm: Active Approach (Activation, reinforcement, reprogramming)

4.30 p.m. - 6.30 p.m .: Advice and ergonomics / Therapeutic education

Massamba M'baye : Massamba M’BAYE is a physiotherapist in Aix les Bains in Savoie.
He divides his professional time between his liberal activity and supporting athletes.
high level (physical preparation and rehabilitation) and teaching in training
continues (physiotherapist, physical preparation DU, sports physiotherapy DU) and
in initial training (IFMK and UFR STAPS).

He also participates in the development of the profession via a training organization
regional of which he is the co-founder: SYNETIC Formation.

After a course in STAPS, he continued to study physiotherapy and several DUs.
He is particularly interested in the management of pathologies of the lower limb.
and the development of the physical qualities of the injured athlete.

He collaborates on research projects related to neuromuscular assessment,
notions of return to sport and risk factors for recurrence.

He has participated as a speaker in numerous congresses and conferences on themes
in connection with rehabilitation or with the care of the injured athlete.

Renforcement musculaire


The training will take place at Active Square, 35 Av. de Canteranne, 33600 Pessac

Price if FIFPL support: €560
Price if personal financing: €560
Price for business financing: €756


CPD : No DPC support

FIFPL: Golidé (Training likely to be covered, subject to annual budgets, forurphysiotherapists)

To find out the annual FIFPL support amounts for your profession, click here:FIFPL
To find out the annual CPD support amounts for your profession, click here:CPD

General informations
Training location, timetables, access conditions, accommodation, catering; : consult the Trainee welcome booklet


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