Dermo Neuro Muscular Taping
Multi-professional training
The application of flexible restraint, such as Taping, requires a reflective, “patient-centered” approach.
In this training, a large place will be given to the neuroscience of pain in order to adapt the installation technique in correlation with the therapeutic project and according to the neurophysiological mechanisms involved.
Intern interviews
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Price: 550 €
This training is intended for healthcare professionals who have to take care of patients with neuro musculoskeletal pathologies, at the acute or chronic stage.
It is part of the deepening of knowledge of diagnostic practices, therapeutic management and improvement of the skills of the health professions concerned.
The flexible restraint installation, of the Taping type, requires a reflexive, “patient-centered” approach to adapt the positioning technique in correlation with the therapeutic project.
educational goals
Acquire the neurophysiological bases of taping.
Master the different techniques of dermo neuro muscular taping.
Set up a therapeutic strategy to adapt the use of Taping according to the neurophysiological mechanisms involved.
List of target audiences
Multi-professional action for DE chiropodists, DE physiotherapists, DO osteopaths, doctors.
All taping applications, for therapeutic purposes, will be done on the lower limbs in order to allow them to be mastered by all, in particular the pedicures-podiatrists present.
There is no other prerequisite to register for this training than to be a professional in one of the targeted professions.
Duration of training and organizational arrangements
The duration of the training: 14 hours,
Over 2 days
Max workforce: 20 people
Training content
Day 1
Basic concepts, neurophysiological reminders
Practice of tension recall
Indications and contraindications
Muscle applications
Neurophysiology of pain
Applications neurogenic pain and myofascial syndromes
Day 2
Reminders of basic concepts and muscle applications
Mechanical corrective technique
Corrective fascia technique
Corrective analgesic technique
Tendon and ligament corrective technique
Functional corrective technique
Circulatory corrective technique
Examples of typical clinical applications
Masterful consultation
Consultation in pairs
Reviews / Discussion
Geoffrey Delas is an Osteopath and Physiotherapist.
Graduated in Masso-Kinesitherapy in 2001, then in osteopathy in 2008, Geoffrey Delas began to engage in the transmission of knowledge in 2011, with a first experience in teaching within the pedicure-podology institute of Bordeaux.
In 2012, he then began organizing continuing training sessions, in his areas of expertise, throughout France and in French-speaking countries.
Speaker, trainer, passionate about neuroscience, he participates, within Acces Formation, or as a subcontractor, in the teaching of Neuromuscular Dermo Taping and in the teaching of neurodynamic techniques in pairs with Laurent Fabre (Osteopath DO ).
Trained since 2008 atKinesio Taping, he became a course assistant for the Kinesio France Formation organization (an organization dependent onKenzo Kase, the inventor of Kinesio Taping).
Geoffrey Delas has been teaching taping since 2011 at the Podiatry Institute of Bordeaux University Hospital, then since 2012 he has been teaching a revisited version of taping: dermo-neuro-muscular taping.
The need to reconcile the practice of Taping with scientific evidence, as well as critical thinking, led to the development of this Dermo Neuro Muscular Taping course.
Tarif si financement personnel : 99€
Pas de prise en charge FIFPL ou DPC
Possibilité de bénéficier du crédit d'impôt formation
Assistance technique et pédagogique
En cas de de difficultés, veuillez contacter les personnes suivantes (réponse sous 48h max) :
Assistance technique :
Assistance pédagogique :
Geoffrey DELAS