Manual ankle and foot therapy - CANTRELL | Acces Formation
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Advanced podiatry
Diagnostic Evaluation, manual techniques and rehabilitation for comprehensive care ofankle and foot

Training for podiatrists

Image representing a podiatry session
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Price: 550 €

This training will allow:

- to acquire or improve the knowledge and skills of podiatrists in the management of osteo-articular dysfunctions of the ankle and foot.

-to learn mobilization techniques to correct dysfunctions and increase the efficiency of their soles.

It is part of the deepening of knowledge of diagnostic practices, therapeutic management and improvement of the skills of chiropodists.

Any musculoskeletal dysfunction can then lead to sensorimotor disorders, thus disrupting the posture and the musculoskeletal system of the patient.

Manual therapy requires a diagnostic, reflective and technical approach to adapt its technique in correlation with the therapeutic project.

During this training, the chiropodist will learn to perform a clinical medical assessment and dysfunctions of the various joints of the ankle and foot.

He will understand manual techniques to treat an osteopathic lesion of the ankle and foot in order to allow plantar orthotics to be more efficient.

He will be able to self-assess the relevance of his treatments, his adaptation, the follow-up and / or the reorientation of the patient, within the framework of multidisciplinary care.

The repetition of tests, clinical maneuvers, and corrective techniques will allow immediate integration into practice in the office.


educational goals


  1. Master the palpatory location, the different anatomical elements of the ankle and the foot.

  2. Know the medical tests to be performed in the management of an ankle sprain, and master the factors of gravity.

  3. To enrich the clinical examination of the ankle and the foot, by the knowledge of the tests of specific dysfunctions.

  4. Understand the most commonly used manual therapy techniques, their indications and contraindications.

List of target audiences


Professional mono action for chiropodists DE



There is no other prerequisite to register for this training than to be a professional in one of the targeted professions.



Duration of training and organizational arrangements


The duration of the training: 14 hours,

Over 2 days

Max workforce: 20 people

Accessibility: disabled

Training content


Presentation and definition of Manual therapy

Structural and tissue techniques / Indications and contraindications

General biomechanical foot and ankle

Ankle and foot palpation anatomy

Clinical assessment of ankle sprains

Pathophysiology / Treatment / Practical application / OTTAWA criteria / Anterior drawer / diastasis

Diagnostic test, physiopathology and manipulative technique of the various dysfunctions of the ankle and the foot.

Mechanism of the ascending and descending mechanical chains

How to communicate with the osteopath and the doctor: Report

Podo-pelvic test

Since his initial training in podiatry in 1999,Adam Cantrellecontinues to evolve its practice so that it is as holistic as possible. 

Podiatrist thenposturologist (2001), it is alsoosteopath (2008) andhypnotherapist (2017).
Very quickly he specialized in the care of athletes, with a particular focus on running, at the same time validating a sports trainer diploma.

He also devotes a large part of his time to sharing his knowledge during conferences or training courses, particularly within the group.Kine-osteo-podo, for which he has been teaching since 2014, manual therapy of the lower limbs, the management of sports pathologies of the lower limbs, podiatric and postural examination, and Podopediatrics.

Thérapie cheville

The training will take place at Zénitude Toulouse Aéroport, 10 place de la revolution, 31700 Blagnac

Price if FIFPL support: €560
Price if personal financing: €560
Price for business financing: €756


CPD: No DPC support

FIFPL:Validated (Training likely to be covered, subject to annual budgets, for podiatrists)

To find out the annual support amountsFIFPL for your profession, click here:    FIFPL
To find out the annual support amountsCPD for your profession, click here:      CPD

General informations
Training location, timetables, access conditions, accommodation, catering; : consult the Intern welcome booklet

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